Ron Varrial says, “For decades, there was a formula for how content creators — journalists, TV producers, radio show hosts — decided what consumers would get as “front page” news. For the most part, they figured if it mattered to them, it must matter to you.

We — and I can say we, as a 20-year veteran of print and digital newsrooms — typically sat around a big table, looked at the day’s events, and then decided what the general population needed to or wanted to read. It was never particularly scientific and was based mostly on the opinions of the people around that big table.

More recently, the script has flipped, and, in the era of page view-driven digital journalism, endless sources are filling the internet with the kind of content people want to read.

Speak your audience’s language

The real insight comes once you truly understand your audience and begin delivering content that’s going to speak to them, knowing that business goals are always more attainable with an engaged, committed reader”.

Want stronger content? 7 steps to truly understanding your audience

Marketing Land

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