Drew Eastmead says, “If you are charged with adding content to your organization’s website, then you know that creating a new blog post or web page can require significant time and effort. Do you dread the process of working in your content management system (CMS)? Do you know what to spend time on? Are you paying attention to the right details and optimization strategies?

It may take a writer several hours to create a content piece, and too often, we see that the same writer or editor rushes through the final portion — inputting the content into your CMS, such as WordPress, and hitting “publish.”

That hasty approach — and the repetitive nature of creating new pages or blog posts — leads to sloppy work, which can drastically reduce the chances of your content being successful.

I’ve seen it on almost every website I diagnose — there are crucial, but easy, elements that a non-web developer can add to their toolbox to make them a more effective content marketer.

These are the top five easy fixes and best web practices that are commonly overlooked by those who add content to their company’s website or blog.

1. Add H2s or subheads within your post

The bold subhead you just read above is coded as <H2>. It’s a simple designation that signifies to Google that this is an important component of this page”.

5 quick web page fixes any blogger can make

Marketing Land

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