‘Device-centric analytics might be giving you inaccurate conversion rates’ – EConsultancy
Nikki Gilliland says, “According to a new report by Criteo, one third of all online retail transactions in 2016 involved two or more devices.
Not only does this prove that the consumer path to purchase is more fractured than ever before – but it could also mean that retailers are only seeing a partial or distorted view of it.
Here are a few more key points from Criteo’s report, illustrating why retailers should take multiple devices into consideration.
The danger of undervaluing consumers
First, the report highlights how retailers should forgo a device-centric analytics strategy for a user-centric one. Instead of a singular point of view, the latter enables a comprehensive understanding of the entire consumer journey, including browsing behaviour and intent.
If retailers merely concentrate on behaviour from a single device, they could be missing out on vital information such as at what point shoppers are abandoning their basket, or what might increase the chances of a conversion. With one-third of purchase journeys taking place across multiple devices, retailers could also be miscalculating key metrics”.
Device-centric analytics might be giving you inaccurate conversion rates
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