Nikki Gilliland says, “Whether it’s an old song or a retro fashion trend – everyone loves to experience a blast from the past. 

When it comes to marketing, nostalgia can do more than just raise a smile. A study by the Journal of Consumer Research found that nostalgic sentiment can lead to an increased willingness to pay for desired objects.

Meanwhile, recent data from Google shows that 75% of people aged 35-54 regularly watch YouTube videos related to past events or people. So, why exactly does nostalgia have such an effect on consumer behaviour? Here are a few reasons, along with examples of brands that have capitalised on it.

Combatting consumer fatigue

From Facebook ads to product packaging, consumers are bombarded with multiple marketing messages on a daily basis. In fact, it’s been predicted that Americans can be exposed to anything between 4,000 to 10,000 advertisements on any given day”.

Four ways nostalgia can help to boost your marketing efforts


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