Jeff Shore says, “Check-up time. Park your ego outside, be honest and take some time to determine if your sales presentation suffers from any of these deal-killing strategies.

1. Forcing your customer to take the lead

There is a very common question that gets asked in the sales world. And it drives customers up the flippin’ wall. The question? “How can I help you?”

The request sounds innocent enough — almost friendly. But think of the implications. We are asking the customer to take the lead and describe both the situation and the solution.

Yep, nothing like saying to a customer, “You go first. I’d sure appreciate it if you would tell me how to do my job. It’ll make things so much easier on me.”

“How can I help you”? The question is about the salesperson more than it is about the customer. And if the customer can identify both the problem and the solution, what use is there for a salesperson?”.

3 Deal-Killing Strategies That Make Your Customers Walk Away


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