Raymond Wong says, “I’ve got a little secret: I haven’t seen ads in my Instagram feed in more than a year.

You’re probably wondering how that’s even possible. Honestly, I’m not exactly sure why it works, but it does, and here’s how you can (or at least try to) banish them from your Instagram feed as well.

When I first started seeing ads or “sponsored” posts in my Instagram feed, I immediately knew it was a sign of worse things to come.

What started out as a few unobtrusive ads in between posts eventually turned into what felt like a feed of just ads.

Om Malik, a partner at True Ventures, and the founder of GigaOm, said it best last year:

I have been contemplating if it is time to get Instagram off my home screen as well. Why? Because it has been infesting my feed with too many ads”.

Here’s how I got rid of all the ads in my Instagram feed


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