Dale Lowell says, “AI gets a bad wrap. For the most part conversations on the topic tend to revolve around loss of jobs and the redundancy of human labour.

The Sunday Times has even gone as far as producing a list of the jobs most likely to become automatised in the coming years due to artificial intelligence. While some jobs are at a higher risk than others, it’s estimated that those in advertising have only a 3.8% chance of being replaced by a machine.

In reality, AI will actively work with us, not against us, making our business processes more streamlined and efficient. Infosys, a global leader in technology services, published a report that establishes a clear link between the revenue and implementation of AI technology in businesses. Although there have been cases of job loss due to automation, such as the recent layoffs at General Electric.

But in spite of this, of the 1,600 senior decision makers that were surveyed by Infosys, 85% responded that they intend to train employees to use AI, and of those companies that are actually replacing jobs with the new technology, 80% stated that they were looking to retrain displaced workers”.

AI is about to change the digital advertising landscape forever


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