Bob Marsh says, “According to a survey from Vantage Point Performance and The Sales Education Foundation, sales leaders consider more than 300 different metrics key to effective sales management. But only 17% of those metrics are “manageable,” meaning they can be directly influenced.

Which metrics are unmanageable? Business results, like revenue growth and market share, and sales objectives, such as customer retention and win rate. These indicators are important, but they’re dependent on the buyer.

The remaining 17% of crucial metrics from this survey are sales activities. That includes number of sales calls, VP-level meetings, new qualified opportunities, and so on. The sales team has complete control over these activities — and with proper planning, sales activities can influence sales objectives, and subsequently, business results.

In other words, getting the business results you want hinges on managing the activities that precede them. Get started with this three-step process”.

The Secret to Driving Revenue With Sales Activity Management


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