‘Seasonal SEO: Identifying your merriest times of the year’ – Search Engine Land
Laura Scott says, “Often when we think about the holidays, we envision panicked crowds on Black Friday, Cyber Monday desk shoppers and last-minute gifters filling their cart on Christmas Eve. We think about the winter holiday season. That’s no surprise, since last year, the winter holidays accounted for over $658 billion in sales, according to NRF. They’re an important time for retailers; but they’re not the only time that search behavior and sales spike.
Other holidays like Mother’s Day, Halloween and the Back-to-School “holiday” all compel shoppers to search for different needs, whether it’s costumes, table settings, flowers or dorm room supplies. And what about the seasons? As soon as we see the first buds of spring, we’re buying brightly colored clothes and finding any excuse to spend time outside. In additional to literal seasons, there are times of the year when certain activities become more frequent, like hiking season or wedding season. Fashion trends can also suddenly and dramatically affect specific groups of shoppers.
All of these holidays, seasons and trends can impact your customers’ behavior. Doing a little detective work will help you identify which holidays and seasons may offer new opportunities for your brand”.
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