‘Ann Handley on How to Make Your Writing ‘Ludicrously Spectacular’’ – CMI
Ann Gynn says, “Best-selling author Ann Handley has the secret to level-up your writing skills. She shared it at Content Marketing World. Now, I share it with you.
Many of us might think that the secret to becoming a “ludicrously spectacular” writer is magic. Or an innate talent or gift. But Ann gave us the cold reality: To be a better writer requires showing up every day and doing the work.
And with that realization understood, she took off to reveal the five levels of her writing pyramid and some tools to help along the way.
Level 1: Don’t write
The level that should consume most of your time doesn’t look anything like writing. Yes, the foundation of good writing is not writing but thinking and researching”.
Ann Handley on How to Make Your Writing ‘Ludicrously Spectacular’
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