Nikki Gilliland says, “Do you know a sponsored Instagram post when you see one?

According to a recent survey, a surprising proportion of consumers remain in the dark, with 77% unaware what the #sp hashtag stands for (‘sponsored’) and 48% even unsure what the #ad hashtag means.

A lack of consumer understanding is not the only problem, of course. Confusion over how brands and influencers should label paid-for content remains a big issue. As a result, CAP (the Committee of Advertising Practice) has recently issued a fresh set of guidelines to help social influencers and brands stick to the rules.

Here’s a bit more on the story and how it could affect the world of influencer marketing in future.

Platform-specific rules

The new guidelines relate to affiliate marketing deals, whereby influencers are paid for the clicks they receive on sponsored content”.

CAP issues fresh guidelines for influencer marketing: Will it make a difference?


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