Ted Ives says, “Welcome to the second installment in my series on SEM account management. If you’re an SEM account manager and you’ve kept yourself from getting fired (see Part 1: How to avoid getting fired), you now have the opportunity and the time to focus on making your campaigns run like a top.

Smoothly running and decently performing SEM campaigns require getting three things right: tracking, targeting and a good user experience. If you can master these three areas, your campaigns will “deliver the goods” and get you conversions at a decent cost per acquisition (CPA), or sales at a solid return on ad spend (ROAS).


Tracking is everything. First, how can you spend thousands of dollars on your company’s behalf if you can’t track results to prove you were successful? Second, if you aren’t tracking results, then how can you optimize your campaigns by improving poor ads, favoring successful ads and using targeting methods such as keywords or demographic segments?

Tracking is often overlooked or not properly maintained; without it, in the long run, most organizations will not allow you to have a budget. And if you can’t prove your results, you will get a reputation as a “bad steward.”

If you’re using AdWords in combination with Google Analytics (GA), you have the luxury of using “autotagging,” where Google automatically appends a parameter with a string to all of your ads’ URLs”.

SEM account management: How to improve account performance

Search Engine Land

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