Matt McGee says, “Good morning from day one of SMX West 2017! We’re in San Jose, Calif., where the opening keynote conversation is set to begin at 9 a.m. PT. Jason Douglas, PM Director for Actions on Google, will be talking about Google Assistant with Search Engine Land’s Chris Sherman and Greg Sterling.

Douglas will be talking about the developer ecosystem that’s growing around Google Assistant, and specifically about “Actions” — Google’s term for tools and features that let brands, marketers, developers and others interact with users through Google Assistant. Think of Actions kinda like apps for a smartphone or tablet.

The keynote conversation is set to begin at the top of the hour, and we’ll be live-blogging right here once it gets started. So come back then, or just stay tuned, and feel free to refresh the page for the latest from SMX West!

Okay, we’re set to go. I’ll be using JD for Jason Douglas, CS for Chris Sherman and GS for Greg Sterling. (Cross your fingers that I can keep up with three people talking on stage!) I’ll also try to sprinkle in some tweets along the way.

Jason is going to start with a brief presentation before the conversation begins”.

SMX West keynote: Google talks about ranking, more in Google Assistant

Search Engine Land

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