Kimberly De Silva says, “More consumers are experiencing the internet through their phones as opposed to their desktop computers, according to SmartInsights. Mobile has become not only a profitable addition to the marketing toolbox, it has become a priority for any business. The time has come for small businesses to jump on the bandwagon and learn how to optimize mobile interaction with their audience. In this article, we’ll discuss seven mobile trends that you should take note of.

1. Respect your mobile relationship

The smartphone has become a personal, and almost sacred, object. For half of the mobile phone users, it’s the last thing they see when they go to bed and the first thing they wake up to. As a result, getting your message on your customer’s phone is a process that needs to be treated with respect. If users opted to receive text messages, push notes or emails from you, make sure it’s a message they appreciate. Don’t spam, otherwise customers will divorce you as fast as they can.

A “message they want” might include notifications of promotions, special offers, news and exciting events. Messages should not include daily reminders to shop, overly gushing testimonials, in-depth reminders of your superb guarantee/warranty or warnings with “time is running out!”-esque content. While these bits of information may be useful in the conversion process, they should be saved for the checkout process — not the inbox”.

7 Mobile Trends Every Small Business Should Follow This Year


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