Jim Joseph says, “When trying to connect customers to your brand, you simply can’t make everyone happy. It’s bad marketing to even try.

By its very nature, marketing is all about targeting the right customer for your product, and then creating a brand that they can specifically buy and buy into. The notion of a “right customer” inherently means that there’s also a customer who’s “not right.”

In its most simple form, it’s called targeting.

Target the right customers with the right message at the right time, and you just might have a shot at engaging them. But, if you do it correctly, you won’t engage those who don’t care or agree with the message. And that’s ok.

It’s called targeting.

Which is why, in our current socio-political environment, I think it’s perfectly fine for a brand to comment on an issue and take sides . . . assuming of course that it makes some sort of sense from a brand perspective”.

How Targeted Marketing Can Improve Your Brand’s Efficiency


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