‘Avoid Content Obscurity With 5 Traffic-Boosting SEO Steps’ – CMI
Jodi Harris says, “If you are creating stellar content, distributing it across the most appropriate channels on a consistent basis, and still aren’t getting the traffic results you expect, it’s probably time that you faced a harsh reality: If your content isn’t appearing on the first results page for relevant search queries, your target audience may never know it exists.
Fortunately, just because audiences haven’t been discovering your content on their own doesn’t mean you need to scrap everything and go back to the drawing board. Chances are the content you’ve created still holds plenty of value — and with a few simple steps, you can save it from obscurity.
In the top-rated presentation he delivered at Content Marketing World 2016, Vertical Measures CEO Arnie Kuenn shares some of the proven techniques he’s used to improve the traffic his clients’ content generates through search”.
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