Jayson Demers says, “Content marketing is a powerful marketing strategy for attracting new traffic, building your brand’s reputation and earning more sales and conversions. But even though you aren’t paying for elements like ad placement or expensive resources, you’ll still be paying for the strategy you use, in terms of the labor and the time you personally invest.

Some entrepreneurs are reluctant to invest anything at all until they know a particular strategy will work, which leads to a perpetual cycle of non-investment. Others don’t know how much is appropriate to invest, and therefore can’t make a budgetary decision on whether or not to move forward.

So, how much, exactly, should you be investing in content marketing?

Potential payoff

First, take a look at the potential payoff of a content marketing campaign for your business in terms of total ROI (return on investment). It’s hard to gauge this precisely, but you can calculate, in general, the payoffs of content marketing across several different dimensions:

  • Brand visibility and reputation. Publishing content in various locations will expose more people to your brand”.

How Much Should You Invest in Content Marketing?


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