Arne Sigurd Rognan Nielsen at TEDxTrondheim on How to do less and get more done. We (at least, I, and i suspect you) tend to complicate our business far more than necessary. Each addition to our processes and checklists is intended to squeeze a little more sduccess out of the 24-hour day. But keeping up with the increasing complexity drags us down.

You need a solution; so do we.

Nielsen’s presentation describes how he simplified his professional life so that he could concentrate on the most improtant activities in his business. He starts with an A-B-C analysis of all his work, based on the importance of each task. But that’s just the beginning.

In the end, by following his prescription, you can “de-clutter” you to-do list and by concentrating on what’s most important, get a lot more done than you have been. And what you get done will transform your business success.

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