David Mercer says, “Amazon is a truly gargantuan marketplace with millions of products and hundreds of thousands of sellers all competing to make sales and capture market share. According to the Seattle Times there are more than 2 million sellers registered on Amazon’s marketplace. It’s a vibrant, living ecommerce ecosystem that is full of opportunity.

Being one of the biggest and baddest marketplaces around comes with great advantages for Amazon, which often enjoys pride of place in Google’s organic search results, regularly capturing multiple results on the first page. With Amazon gobbling up more and more of Google’s organic product searches, it is becoming inevitable that most small businesses are going to need to migrate at least some of their stock over to this platform. (If you’re not already an Amazon seller it’s free, quick and easy to sign up at Amazon Seller Central.)

Many of the leading ecommerce site builders now offer built-in or plug-in support to allow online store owners to sell their goods via their own store and simultaneously via Amazon. And that’s a good thing, because once you’re able to sell on Amazon there are a lot of tips and tricks you can use to sell more and earn more.

1. Source the best products.

We all intuitively understand that for any given product types there are a variety of brands that offer a range of quality, service and pricing. You can pay $10 for a watch or $10 000, depending on what you’re after”.

4 Ways to Sell (a Lot) More on Amazon


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