Scott Rayden says, “This CMO audit series sets out to provide insight into the six most significant growth drivers in marketing: customer journey, marketing technology, growth channel mix, user experience, devices and analytics. (If you didn’t catch Part 1, on the customer journey, catch up now.) Today’s post will focus on technology.

As recently as a few years ago, when social was still underutilized, desktop reigned over mobile, third-party data hadn’t yet exploded, and marketing technology was fairly low on the list of fundamentals of a great digital strategy. It used to be that technology, as it relates to marketing, was better served to provide support to teams and purely help with scale.

Today, the landscape is dramatically different: technology continues to take more of a front-and-center role. As ever, technology is only as good as the people using it, but the capabilities it can deliver have never been more important, as companies of all sizes strive to tackle the incredible complexity of today’s marketing climate.

The advancement of marketing technology specific to mobile devices has left most companies scrambling to figure out what they should be using and how they should be using it. It’s become a larger part of an internal marketing team’s role (as well as the supporting agency’s job) to help figure this out”.

CMO audit series, Part 2: Untangling the web of mobile technology

Marketing Land

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