Mike Wood says, “Customer trust is important to your business. People who trust you are more willing to be repeat customers and refer you to others. It can also lead to earned media such as positive online reviews and social media engagement from fans and followers.

People are more likely to trust word of mouth marketing which is a form of earned media. When people they know refer them to you, they will have more faith in trusting the referral than a paid advertisement.

Paid media.

Paid media is basically any type of media that you pay for. If you pay someone to run an advertisement on their website, that is paid media. If you pay a publication to write about you, that is a form of paid media. It can also include various forms of affiliate marketing if you are paying a commission for someone referring you leads or selling your product.

Paid media is just one of the three forms of media used in marketing campaigns (paid, owned, and earned)”.

Can Paid Media Ever Earn Your Customer’s Trust?


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