Aja Frost says, “Walking away is hard. It’s especially hard when you’re walking away from a potential deal — after all, you’ve spent time, energy, and resources building a relationship, and giving up means you’ll have nothing to show for it.

But in the long run, knowing when to walk away and disqualify a lead will make you far more effective. Every minute spent chasing an impossible or low-value deal is a minute you could spend closing a likely or high-value one. Even if you do convince a poor fit to buy, you’ll be setting yourself up for unhappy customers and a poor reputation.

To avoid the pitfalls of bad-fit prospects, look out for the seven signs you should give up on a deal.

1) The Prospect Can’t Answer These Three Questions

Sales requires some detective skills. You need to uncover your prospect’s pain, figure out what she means (versus what she says), and tailor your messaging to her priorities”.

7 Signs You Should Walk Away From a Prospect


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