Marketing Land’s Rachel Lindteigen has shared some useful tips for expanding a content marketing program.

The advice features the importance of understanding the budgetaly limites, setting a content markeitng goal and understanding the CM metrics.

Lindteigen says, “While you understand the importance of content marketing and the potential it has to drive business, do those above you? If you’re struggling to secure buy-in from your management or executive team to expand your content marketing program, here are a few tips that can help.

Understand their position

Most executives are responsible for a budget and, in turn, proving ROI on the expenditures they approve. To secure buy-in for your content marketing program expansion, you need to make it easy for them to see the return they’re getting.

If you want to expand what you’re doing today and need extra help, new tools or a bigger budget, you must make the case but explain it in terms that matter to the executive team. Can you tie your efforts to the bottom line somehow? That’s probably what matters most to them”

Securing buy-in for expanding a content marketing program 

Marketing Land

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