Forrester’s ‘Digital Transformation Mumbai 2017’ Event, May 30
Forrester’s Digital Transformation Mumbai 2017 event is going to be held on May 30, 2017. This event aims at helping participants re-invent products, processes, technologies and cultures through digital transformation.
Ashutosh Sharma states: “In 2017, we plan to take that thinking further. We will talk about the role of digital operational excellence (DOX) in delivering great customer experiences (CX). We have researched quite a few companies that are hiring senior leaders to head their digital projects or CX initiatives who grasp the value of great CX in winning, serving, and retaining customers. However, our research shows that the activities that go on below the line of visibility are not well understood in terms of their importance to delivering great CX. This area is where DOX lives.
This event will present Forrester’s thought leadership on how enterprises need to focus on both digital CX and DOX as they embark upon their digital transformations. In addition, we will highlight the most common blind spots firms encounter and outline the “how-to” of digital transformation with great industry examples”.
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