Web search has been changing dramatically since its inception. Almost every human using computer makes a search a day. Google has played pivotal role in the search domain. And the company is in a constant quest to improve its web search technology.

Recently Google has announced new Search Quality Rater guidelines, Ranking changes and has made available direct feedback tools. This helps web users find what they want easily and quickly.

Ben Gomes, VP, Engineering at Google says, “Today, in a world where tens of thousands of pages are coming online every minute of every day, there are new ways that people try to game the system. The most high profile of these issues is the phenomenon of “fake news,” where content on the web has contributed to the spread of blatantly misleading, low quality, offensive or downright false information. While this problem is different from issues in the past, our goal remains the same—to provide people with access to relevant information from the most reliable sources available. And while we may not always get it right, we’re making good progress in tackling the problem. But in order to have long-term and impactful changes, more structural changes in Search are needed.

With that longer-term effort in mind, today we’re taking the next step toward continuing to surface more high-quality content from the web. This includes improvements in Search ranking, easier ways for people to provide direct feedback, and greater transparency around how Search works”.

Google Announces Latest Quality Improvements for Search

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