In content marketing, quality and relevance matter. These are the criteria that make your content marketing campaigns successful.

If your content is not having the stuff that interests the audience, it won’t help you.

Entrepreneur writer Andrea Lehr has shared three ways marketers can strengthen their content marketing efforts. Lehr has focused on newsjacking, controversial content and complexity.

On embracing newsjacking, Lehr says, “One way to breathe new life into your content strategy is to capitalize on the popularity of trending news stories. Is there a new finding or event that affects your target audience? These are opportunities to connect your content to a much larger story and amplify your marketing efforts.

A great example is Oreo’s now infamous “You can still dunk in the dark” tweet. The cookie company seized the opportunity presented by Super Bowl XLVII’s power outage with a clever tweet about its snacks still being enjoyable without electricity, and the newsjacking paid off: In less than 24 hours, the post generated nearly 15,000 retweets and more than 20,000 likes on Facebook”.

3 Ways to Avoid Mediocre Marketing Content

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