HubSpot’s Ultimate Guide to Channel Sales
When marketers rely on third parties for selling their products and services, it is called Channel sales. The Chanel sales includes include resellers, affiliate partners, distributors, value-added providers, independent retailer etc.
HubSpot has published a short guide to Channel sales providing information on benefits of Channel sales, its drawbacks and more.
On implementing Channel sales, HubSpot’s Aja Frost says, “Wondering if channel sales is right for your organization? Here are six things to consider.
Company size and maturity: Small companies can use partners to grow their business without needing to invest in hiring and training a sales team. Once they’re larger, they can bring their own reps on board (or if channel sales is working, continue with what they’re doing!).
Product maturity: If your product is still in the early stages, you might want to take advantage of a direct relationship with your customers so you can quickly and efficiently assess what’s working, what’s not, and what to build next.
Sales process maturity: Before you can teach other people how to sell your product, you need to understand how to sell it yourself. If you haven’t defined the various stages of your sales process, the most important buying triggers, which customer stakeholders are typically involved, how long the average deal takes to close, and so on, you may want to postpone a channel sales initiative”.
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