Building a Productive Content Marketing Team
Content Marketing is not always a one-man job. You need a team who constantly pursues the given topic and produces required content.
It is very much required to build a team that syncs with each other and crafts desired content. CMI’s Michele Linn has shared seven tips to build a productive content marketing team.
On importance of documenting content workflow, Linn says, “Not only do successful teams document their content marketing strategy, but they also document their workflows. If you aren’t familiar with workflows, they are the process your content follows and the people who are needed in its creation and production.
If you’re constantly asking, “who is doing what,” “what do I do next,” or “why is this taking so long,” chances are you need to dig in to your workflow.
Raechel Duplain has a fabulous article on how to do just that. This may sound arduous, but Raechel’s five-step plan walks you through the process”.
7 Things You Need to Have a Productive (and Happy) Content Marketing Team
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