Hyper-personalized messaging can guarantee your email marketing success. What you need to make your emails ‘hyper-personalized’ is to create an email-based app, great content and set perfect timing.

Marketing Land contributor Scott Heimes has published an article on hyper-personalized email marketing.

Heimes says, “For years, email marketing has been circling around an ideal center without ever reaching it. That center has become known as “hyper-personalization.” Yes, the sought-after email “segment of one,” the email marketer’s Holy Grail — the perfect email campaign. Call it what you will, but hyper-personalization is now the gravitational center of email marketing, and we’re traveling toward it, fast.

Still, we have a long way to go before we as marketers reach the segment of one. And even after we hit it, we still need the means of standing out from the crowd.

That means good, personalized content. That’s right: hyper-personalization — where we know what motivates a recipient, why they choose to purchase, what they choose to purchase and more — will still depend on stellar content to stand out from other hyper-personalized message”.

Custom, dynamic email is giving marketers and readers what they want: hyper-personalized messages

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