Five tips for advanced page-level keyword research
Keyword research is vital to secure right SEO opportunity. With effective keyword research you can drive more traffic and secure more customers.
Search Engine Land columnist Andrew Dennis has shared dive keyword research techniques for advanced page-level keyword research.
Dennis says, “Successful websites are built on popular, useful pages that attract and delight new visitors. These pages capture valuable traffic by serving a specific purpose or need.
However, these pages don’t happen by accident. Building useful pages requires research and strategic planning. You should be thinking about links and search opportunities during the ideation phase, before you start writing and designing new pages.
Page-level research should include:
- analyzing search volume for potential target terms.
- identifying SERPs with bad or weak results.
- examining ranking pages.
- scrutinizing competitor content and strategies.
I’m going to walk through this process of page-level keyword research, using a real site as an example. Follow along and learn how you can leverage this process for your own SEO strategy”.
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