Customer-rich platforms to strengthen your marketing
In marketing social media, content and customer service are the three elements observed and followed by almost every marketer.
Entrepreneur contributor AJ Agrawal has published about eight customer-rich-platforms marketers should be using for strengthening their marketing efforts.
Agrawal says, “When we think about the best social media platforms for marketers, huge websites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter come to mind first. Because they’re significant gathering places for users, advertisers typically focus their efforts on these powerhouses, to connect with potential customers.
Here are some of the best of those overlooked, customer-rich platforms out there today.
1. Reddit
With more than 250 million users, it’s pretty surprising that Redditisn’t getting more love from marketing managers. This content-focused social platform is entirely dictated by user activity — separated into content-specific communities called “subreddits.” There, users can post content and “upvote” or “downvote” other posts to make them appear higher or lower on the page.
This format is ripe for effective branding, as the platform allows businesses to put up sponsored posts that turn up in different subreddits. The posts look similar to native content, making users more likely to interact with them and your brand”.
8 Customer-Rich Platforms Your Marketing Efforts May Be Overlooking
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