Your marketing can be surely energized with the effective use of great videos. Right videos are like a treasure that can help us make our marketing efforts rewarding.

HubSpot writer Clifford Chi has shared six psychology-backed hacks for making engaging videos.

Chi says, “To maximize audience engagement, we implemented psychology-backed hacks throughout the entire video. Let’s check it out and the takeaways below to learn how to fully capture an audience’s attention.

6 Psychology-based Hacks for Making Engaging Videos

1) Spark Curiosity

To spark on-demand curiosity, George Loewenstein, Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, recommends leveraging the information gap theory of curiosity.

The theory states that sensing a knowledge gap between what you know and what you want to know compels you to take action to fill it, like clicking through to a story.

We evoked curiosity in our viewers by using a simple, yet thought-provoking headline: Entrepreneurship is Back”.

6 Psychology-Backed Hacks for Making Engaging Videos

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