Improve your B2B influencer marketing with these tips
Influencer marketing is also being practiced into B2B marketing today. Since it has become one of the most affordable means of reaching out a huge audience, it is adopted everywhere.
Econsultancy writer Maz Nadjm has shared five steps to build successful B2B influencer marketing.
Nadjm says, “While engaging with influencers may seem like a daunting task, the following five steps can help you get started, regardless of what your budget is:
1. Build the story you want to tell
To leverage the power of your influencers, the first thing you need to do is to build your own values and messages. This is what’s called brand storytelling, and it involves articulating the narratives of your company: Why did you set up the business? How did you get started? What is the product or service you’re selling and who is helping you build it?
When building your brand story, it’s important you keep your customers in mind to reflect how your mission fits into their lives. If you’re unsure of where to start from, watch this inspiring Ted Talk by Simon Sinek on the importance of the ‘why’”.
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