With an enhanced creativity you can use Google Display Network (GDN) for building better marketing campaigns.

Search Engine Land’s Pauline Jakober has shared five tips to help marketers optimize their Google Display Network.

Jakober says, “ere are five GDN hidden gems worth looking into:

1. Audit your display remarketing setup and audiences

When you originally set up your display remarketing, did you set it up in AdWords or Google Analytics? If you set things up exclusively in AdWords, this might be a good time to switch to Google Analytics or (at a minimum) add in Google Analytics audiences.

Two reasons justify the change:

(a) If your remarketing code gets stripped, you’ll catch it sooner in Google Analytics.

Recently, my team and I saw a slow and steady drop in a client’s remarketing campaign audience numbers and conversions. The dip occurred over the summer, which isn’t unusual for B2B clients. So we didn’t immediately comprehend the significance.

But as the dip continued, we did some digging and found that our AdWords remarketing code had been stripped from some web pages”.

Optimize your GDN accounts with more hidden gems

Search Engine Land

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