HubSpot’s Sophia Bernazzani has published an article on pillar pages, topic clusters and their new importance for your SEO strategy. A pillar page is a page that serves as an anchor for a cluster of related topics (i.e., a topic cluster). Posts related to one of these topics are all ultimately linked to the associated pillar page, as well as being linked to each other. Pillar pages and topic clusters are at the heart of modern SEO. Their importance arises from the growing importance of mobile web browsing and the increasing use of voice-directed (instead of typed) search on mobile devices.

On creating a pillar page, Bernazzani says, “The first step to creating a pillar page is to stop thinking about your site in terms of just keywords. Start thinking about the topics you want to rank for first — then, brainstorm blog topic ideas based on more specific keywords related to the broader topic.

Think about the top interests and challenges of your core audience personas to give you ideas for pillar page content. Choose a topic that’s broad enough that it can generate more related blog posts that will serve as cluster content, but not so broad that you can’t cover the entire topic on a single pillar page.

For example, in our case, “social media” was too broad of a topic, but “Instagram captions” would have been too narrow. “Instagram marketing” is broad enough that we’re able to link many more blog posts that dive into Instagram in greater detail, but still specific enough that we could write a comprehensive pillar page about it”.

What Is a Pillar Page? (And Why It Matters For Your SEO Strategy)


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