Social media is inevitable for any business and when it comes to having an online business it is the life and blood. A rightly planned and executed social media strategy can strengthen your brand in terms of following and the revenue.

Most marketers have doubts on the right time to publish on social media.

To help them, HubSpot ran an experiment which has highlighted the best times when your social media campaigns can perform better.

Talking about the best time to publish on LinkedIn, Daria Marmer says, “The median number of clicks doesn’t vary at all, but the 95th percentile of posts does show a dropoff with posts that are published late in the evening — after 5 p.m. or so. Therefore, schedule posts on LinkedIn to go out during business hours (after all, it is a business networking site), but the focus should be on content, not the time of day.

Posts published Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays don’t perform as well as posts published Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Audiences must be too busy working to check LinkedIn on Mondays, and who wants to think about work over the weekend?

Tuesdays and Wednesdays are especially good times to publish on LinkedIn — they have a generally higher median as well as 95% percentile clicks”.

How Frequently Should I Publish on Social Media? A HubSpot Experiment


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