For anybody who is into business, mobile matters. More than 80% of internet users own a smartphone. And 71% of marketers believe mobile marketing is core to their business.

Econsultancy columnist Ben Davis has brought forward the answers to six significant questions related to mobile SEO.

Davis says, “We’re starting a new series of ‘ask the experts’ articles on the Econsultancy blog.

For our first installment, we’ve caught up with a bunch of SEO veterans to ask them about mobile SEO. The questions we asked are as follows – you can read them all or jump straight to a question by clicking on it in the list below.

  1.  First of all, is it worth making the distinction between mobile and desktop?
  2. What are the biggest mistakes when it comes to mobile SEO?
  3. With a mobile first index on the horizon, what sort of content/UX features should we prioritise?
  4. Much has been written about optimising for voice – is this hype or reality?
  5. Is there a consensus on Google AMP or progressive web apps yet?
  6. If you had to sum up a good mobile SEO strategy in one short sentence?“.

Ask the experts: Mobile SEO trends, challenges & strategy


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