With the rise of Internet and the social networks and apps, small businesses have found a treasure of tools to boost their sales online. What is requires is to be consistent in whatever strategy you have chosen for your business.

Business.com columnist Diana Wertz has shared five ways to boost your sales.

Wertz says, “A recent L2 study of top consumer retail brands found 94 percent of brands offer some form of guided selling on their sites to inspire shoppers, help them find what they’re looking for, answer common product questions and personalize the online shopping experience. Here are five ways to adopt a guided selling strategy for your SMB.

1. User-generated content

The simplest way to adopt guided selling for your business’s online store is through content, specifically user-generated content (UGC). SMBs should add UGC to their websites via a dedicated UGC gallery and by adding UGC to product pages.

UGC gallery

Incorporate UGC in distinctly themed galleries (style guides, fall trends, yoga, home improvement projects, etc.) to inspire customers, and then link the UGC to the corresponding product page. UGC can be submitted to your business or found in social media. Encourage shoppers to use a hashtag related to your business or tag your business in their posts”.

Find Your Customer’s Fave: Guided Selling Strategy for Small Businesses


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