Entrepreneur team has published a video featuring Neil Patel talking on how to learn online marketing.

Entrepreneur team says, “Marketing is an essential part of any growing business. If you want to teach yourself the craft, either to implement marketing strategies yourself or to know who will make a great hire, but you don’t know where to start, Entrepreneur Network partner Neil Patel wants to help. In this video, Patel offers a few great resources you can use to learn about marketing.

Plus, he gives you some simple advice about how you can test these strategies. Start by creating a free website on a platform like WordPress, then learn how to grow that platform. You can test riskier strategies on your website, because if they fail, you won’t hurt your business.

Then, once you’ve figured out a formula that works for you, you can transfer your knowledge to your business and start making an impact with marketing”.

Teach Yourself Online Marketing With This Simple Technique


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