Seven strategies to strengthen your social media marketing
Social media platforms have been integrated into the mainstream of marketing now. It is almost impossible to think of a business without Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and others.
It is necessary to keep inventing ways to make your social media campaigns attractive for enhancing your brand’s performance. Small Business Trends columnist Shawn Hessinger has shared seven ways to help marketers enhance their social marketing efforts.
Hessinger says, “Social media can seem complex, but in reality the steps to successfully harness it for marketing are not hard to master. Here are seven steps to follow for social media success:
Social Media Success Formula
1. Plan
Start with a plan — define a few (not too many) marketing goals. These should be a subset of your overall marketing plan. Social media activity can be labor intensive. Without a plan and clear objectives, you may end up doing a lot of work with questionable returns.
Here are some social media goals commonly identified by small businesses. Use social media to develop customer loyalty, build a mailing list and drive traffic to your website. Social media can also help you publicize promotions and discounts, establish thought leadership, expand brand recognition, generate leads, and sell more in ecommerce. Remember, you don’t need to achieve all of these goals. Narrow it down to a couple that are important to your business”.
Easy 7 Step Formula for Social Media Success
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