Ten strategies to handle Facebook advertising
Facebook is one of the most appropriate option for the Internet advertising. According to Pew research, this social network has more than 79% Americans as its users.
A well-designed attractive ad can help you generate greater revenue on Facebook. A CMI article by Karola Karlson shares ten strategies to handle Facebook ads effectively.
Karlson says, “My relationship with Facebook ads had its first sparkle two years ago. Since then, I’ve overseen 80-plus Facebook ad campaigns that reached more than 2 million people across 30-plus countries.
How do I keep up with all the updates and news? Here’s the secret: I don’t, aside from keeping an eye on a couple of blogs about the topic.
That’s because most Facebook advertising hacks never get old. You learn them once and keep applying the same best practices across all your Facebook ad campaigns. Start with these 10 key evergreen tactics.
1. Know your customers
Surely, you’ve seen ads in your Facebook newsfeed. I bet you’ve ignored a good share of those ads while clicking only a few.
You know what was wrong with those ads that failed to catch your attention? The ads weren’t necessarily bad, they were simply not reaching the right audience”.
Don’t Be Overwhelmed by Facebook Advertising: 10 Tips to Use Any Time
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