Eight tips to build an effective landing page
Designing an effective landing page is a great way to drive traffic, improve your SEO and build your brand. Rightly planned landing pages lead customers to a specific product, service or offer and encourage them to take action.
Entrepreneur magazine contributor Perry Marshall has shared eight essential components of an effective landing page.
Marshall says, “Your landing page will perform best when it looks and feels like a natural continuation of your ad. What keywords or phrases made your ad sing? What colors or images got people’s attention? What ballsy promise did you make? Don’t lose your prospect! Match those same elements on your landing page.
Google’s editors look for this same pattern. They want to see an uninterrupted chain of relevance — a “scent” — starting from the initial search query, to the keyword, to the ad, right through to the landing page. Provide these key elements on your page and you’ll keep Google on your side:
A clear business model
If a Google editor manually reviews your site, they should be able to tell in fewer than 20 seconds what it is you actually do. How do you make your money? Are you selling a course, a product or a service? The editor wants assurance that you’re not harvesting emails in order to spam. Your page should describe what will happen once your visitors opt in and what value they’ll receive in exchange for their personal information”.
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