Brands and marketers are constantly focusing on the improvement in sales and for that they try different tactics. An article posted on Forbes justifies the importance of conversations with the prospects for improving sales.

Ken Krogue says, “There are many factors in determining a qualified lead on both sides of the fence, for both the prospect and the sales rep. Both will make an impact. But wouldn’t it be great if we could control the variables more?

In my opinion, it is vital to recognize what we can’t control—another person—and start with what we can control in sales: our own effort. We do this by focussing our effort on conversations that are qualified.

So how do we qualify? Well, for nearly sixty years there has been a model called BANT, but most say BANT is dead.

Is BANT really dead? For those of you who recall, BANT was the model IBM developed in the 1960s to help their salespeople qualify leads. It is an acronym for:

B = Budget

A = Authority

N = Need

T = Timing”.

A Selling Secret: Have Better Conversations


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