Search engines play a pivotal role in getting you web traffic. By optimizing the search engines in the right manner with the proper selection of keywords you can win at SEO.

Entrepreneur contributor Jayson DeMers has shared five tips to help marketers select right SEO keywords.

DeMers says, “Keywords are a critical component of the strategy; optimizing your site for specific ones gives you the power to control which searches you rank for (and therefore who your target audience is). Accordingly, adjusting your keyword distribution gives you power to change your campaign over time.

To be successful, you need to start by picking the right keywords. Over time, you’ll gather data that helps you determine which of your keywords are most successful, and which ones need more work — but how do you pick the right initial set of keywords?

Set and understand your overall goals.

Before you decide which keywords are right for your brand, spend some time thinking about what your SEO goals are. Most companies use SEO to increase website traffic, which in turn, increases revenue, but you’ll need to be more specific than that.

For example:

How to Pick Your First SEO Keywords


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