Getting more prospects and converting them into customers is a priority for most brands. And with different tactics and promotions they have been able to do this.

Communication is something that connects the brands and customers. It helps them know about the latest offerings from a company and helps companies to make customers take actions.

HubSpot columnist Kipp Bodnar has shared an article on how marketers can reach more buyers in the coming year.

Bodnar says, “Think back to the time when on-site live chat first became available to customers. We like to think of it as a “1.0” version of buyers engaging on your website — one of the first options ever made available to get a quick answer to a question that didn’t require a phone call or email.

But the reason why we think of it as “1.0” is that, while it’s far from obsolete, reaching customers and prospects goes beyond chat — largely because options and preferences have expanded and evolved.

Buyers and marketers tend to view that phenomenon from different perspectives. For the former, it’s about having conversations with brands where and when customers and prospects prefer — largely because the world has changed, and 80% of internet users report suffering from “information overload.” But with that also comes a new level of options, which means that your organization isn’t the only one with leverage anymore — or the only one that can give buyers what they want. And more options = less patience in waiting for information. 

The goal, therefore, is to get the best answer as quickly and easily as possible, from the platform they’re already using, whether it be Facebook, a company’s website, or something else”.

How Buyers Want to Talk to Your Business in 2018: The 3 Channels You Need


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