Content marketing has a long way to go. We need to keep evolving new ways to boost our content and keep our brands growing.

Entrepreneur contributor Victor G Snyder has shared four tips to build a better content marketing strategy in 2018.

Snyder says, “With only a few weeks remaining before we bid 2017 goodbye, now is the time to finalize marketing strategies for the coming year. It’s time to identify which parts of your old strategy worked and which ones you’ll need to throw out. Also, are there any new techniques to replace them with?

According to a report by Content Marketing Institute, 83 percent of marketers consider a content strategy very effective in increasing revenue. This is a significant increase from the 74 percent who placed confidence in the strategy the previous year. But even as more marketers understand the need to have a documented strategy, only a paltry 31 percent have documented theirs.

For increased web traffic, a growth in leads, more loyal customers and that spike in revenue in 2018, a closer look at your content strategy is necessary. Set some time aside to analyze what has worked, and identify opportunities hidden within trends”.

The Secret to Successful Content-Marketing In 2018 Is Having a Strategy, So Get One.


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