Facebook is one of the most used and useful social platforms that helps businesses strengthen their online presence and make their brands successful. If your concern is local marketing, there also Facebook can be a strong support.

Developing local marketing strategy is essential to get more sales done. HubSpot columnist Brian Appleton has shared nine tactics for developing a successful local Facebook marketing strategy.

Appleton says, “Building a local Facebook marketing strategy is challenging, but extremely rewarding when executed correctly. Here are nine proven Facebook marketing tactics you can use to drive foot traffic, build brand awareness, and increase revenue potential.

9 Tactics for Your Local Facebook Marketing Strategy

1. Share Reviews

Standing out can be difficult when you’re surrounded by hundreds of other businesses all vying for attention. The key often lies in using social proof. People trust businesses that can prove what they say is true — especially if that proof comes from a customer.

Here are two review tactics we use:

  • Share screenshots of positive reviews from other social sites.
  • Ask customers to share the experience they’ve had with your business.

Screenshot positive reviews on sites like Yelp and Google+, and then share them on your Facebook page. Tag the reviewer’s business in your post with a sincere “Thank you,”, or just happily boast that you have the best customers. Sharing screenshots of emails from happy customers works too, just be sure you ask permission first”.

9 Proven Tactics of a Successful Local Facebook Marketing Strategy


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