Holiday marketing has started and everyone is trying their best to get more customers and sell more. A good marketer will plan the campaigns in a way so that the customers who join him during the holidays, keep coming.

Marketing Land columnist Jordan Elkind has shared three ways for marketers to optimize their holiday marketing efforts.

Elkind says, “Wouldn’t it be great to be able to wring more value out of every holiday marketing dollar, long after the holidays are over? The secret, according to retail experts, is maximizing the long-term value of customers acquired during the holiday period. Here are three lessons from industry leaders on how to do exactly that:

1. PLAN: Sort holiday friends from those with year-round potential

Why it matters:

After spending so much on customer acquisition, it can be tempting to invest more in cultivating all customer relationships post-holiday. For many brands, though, it makes more sense to invest strategically in those customers who have the potential to become year-round shoppers, while waiting until the tinsel is hauled out again next year to engage with holiday-only friends.

The rationale? Focusing on customers who actually have year-round potential can maximize ROI when budgets are tight. And even in a low-cost direct channel like email, over-engaging with holiday-only customers off-season — when they’re not interested — may negatively impact deliverability or lead them to unsubscribe, cutting off the chance to engage with them when it actually matters”.

Optimize your holiday marketing dollars — long after the Christmas lights dim

Marketing Land

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