Content marketing is a valuable asset for all the marketers as it helps them connect with the customers and also to promote their brand in various ways.

Econsultancy columnist Jeff Rajeck has shared three trends that will transform 2018 content marketing arena.

Rajeck says, “Econsultancy recently invited dozens of brand marketers to Digital Cream Singapore to discuss this and other topics at hosted roundtables. The table dedicated to content marketing was hosted by Eu Gene Ang, Lead Trainer, Asia, Econsultancy and below are summaries of the top three trends discussed on the day.

1) The hyper-personalisation of content

The first trend identified by participants is that the cutting-edge brands are no longer producing just one post or video, but marketers now may make thousands of content pieces for a single campaign.

The reason for this massive increase is that marketers are hyper-personalising content for their many segments.

To help, YouTube has recently offered a service, Director Mix, which allows brands to deliver thousands of videos in one campaign. Which video a consumer sees is determined by a wide variety of factors including demographics, behaviour (i.e. what they search or click on), apps they have downloaded, and even on where they have been (physically, using Google Maps data)”.

Three content marketing trends for 2018


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