Here’re 10 SEO ranking factors for 2018
Search engines keep evolving with their new algorithms that leads the brands and marketers to updates optimization strategies.
The Branded3’s Stephen Kenwright has shared ten SEO ranking factors for 2018 with a view to help marketers design their search engine marketing strategies.
Kenwright says, “Top 10 ranking factors you should be optimising for in 2018
- Page-level keyword and content based metrics – If your page isn’t relevant for the query – but more importantly doesn’t answer the user’s intent – you don’t rank. Most businesses from SME-size upwards use a content management system which should make this easier. It’s not all about publishing more – the biggest, quickest wins come from optimising what you’ve got.
- Dwell time or long click metrics – When you put a page live, the question you should ask yourself is: “how can we absolutely guarantee that the searcher won’t click the back button?” You know more about your business and products than anyone and it’s time to demonstrate.
- Existence/quality of verified real-world business info – The combined traffic driving power of voice search, the local pack, Google Maps and the Knowledge Graph is immense, and it relies on the accuracy of the information its being fed”.
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